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© Simon Beraud - 2024 - All Rights Reserved

© Simon Beraud - 2024 - All Rights Reserved


I (Work in progress)


G. : So... What’s your purpose as an artist?! What do you mean to say?
S. : Do I have to say anything in particular?
G. : I don’t know... You took those photographs - of this woman... Naked.  She’s young, she’s beautiful... You obviously felt attracted to her shapes... :
What did you have in mind?! What did you mean to say?
S. : I don’t care if I want to say something or not. Photography is an aesthetic thing above all.
People who think that aesthetics is a superficial thing are superficial people : first of all because they’re not even capable to appreciate...

Aesthetics can mean everything without needing any justifications. Things can just ’be’.
And just ‘being’ can mean much deeper things than saying anything at all...
Do you see this leaf in the trees? It can be as sensual as this woman - as meaningful.
See, the shadows and lights piercing it - all this foliage shadowing and enlighting itself.
It’s just as attractive as this woman to me.
And not needing to say much about it - doesn’t mean dull : on the contrary.
Life is just life... And it doesn’t mean boring...